Click Click Boom!
Designers: Sean Epperson
Artists: Darrin Michelson, Kris Quistorff, Diony Cook Rouse
15-30 mins

Our favorite reviewers are, of course, YOU…the players of our games. We submitted our game for the 2017 NW Luci Award. Not only were we in the top 4 finalists, but we won our favorite award of this contest: People’s Choice as determined by all of the people at the tables playing the games. We thank you all for your support and we are excited for the opportunity to bring this to ALL your tables now!

The saloon is full and the gaming tables are packed. The piano player tinkles away on his ivories as your whiskers begin to twitch. Beads of sweat roll off your brow as you look around the table; shifty eyes, nervous fingers, and a glorious pile of coin just waiting to be had. Your turn has arrived. Click… Click… Can you survive 3 Shootouts of deception, bluffing, and Russian roulette to fill your pockets with gold and walk away the winner? Only one way to find out…

- 8 – “Click: Pay Coin To Pot” cards
- 12 – “Click: 2 Coins Stolen” cards
- 6 – “Boom” cards
- 6 – Character cards
- 6 – Unique Character Ability cards
- 1 – Turn Order card
- 80 – Coin Tokens
- 1 – Rules Book

- Game-play repeats through 3 Shootouts of one or more Showdowns.
- Each Shootout continues until the last varmint standing takes a Pot.
- The player with the most Coins after the final Pot wins!
Advanced Play introduces abilities that can be used once per Shootout to skew the odds in your favor.
A How to Play video by The Rules Girl
Live Play
We recorded a live play session, so you can see players actively engaged in the game. They are using the character abilities, which gives you a taste of how they work in the game.
Pt. 1 – Shootout 1 & 2
Pt. 2 – Shootout 3

Toucan Play That Game
“Excellent for groups of non-gamers although also the perfect easy end or start to an evening for gamers. Every game of this has resulted in laughter around the table.”
Board Game Gumbo
“My favorite memories at game night involve laughter, and Click Click Boom provides it in spades.”

Click here for the written review.
Bower’s Game Corner
“I feel like a lot of people are going to really like this game. Is this a good game for gamers? Yes. I brought this to a game group, they really enjoyed this game.”
MFG Cast
“I super-duper loved it!” – Logan

In this episode Logan takes his parents through Click Click Boom, a bluffing party game by Thing 12 Games!
Just Got Played
“I like the fact that it’s quick to pick up and quick to play. You don’t get bored waiting for the rounds to pass by and so it’s definitely a quick action game.”
“It’s got a fast vibe and you can teach it and play it quickly!”